The Artistic Store

Using art to make life less stressful

The Artistic Store was created to bring something special to your life to help you feel better about your surroundings and about yourself. Studies show that your surroundings can affect your mood and by enhancing your environment you may be able to change your mood (learn more)
Here at the Artistic Store we offer you a service of bringing relaxation into your life with the goal of reducing stress through art therapy classes as well as ways to enhance your environment through having art on display in your home or work place.We work with several artists to bring you beautiful and uplifting art as well as offering classes,both individually and for businesses and their teams.

Michelle C Wright

  • As someone who has struggled with Depression and Anxiety for more than 20 years I have found peace through many techniques which teach us to be in the moment. I find art and photography helps me find that moment.

  • When I practice photography everything slows down and becomes clear as I capture a moment, I am focused on the subject and nothing else I feel joy as I capture something beautiful not just because I did it, but because it is there... It is beautiful and I did it JUSTICE!.

  • Art is completely different depending on what you are creating will depend on your subject or objective. For example if you are copying an image or item, whether its a tree in the park or an apple in the fruit bowl you are concentrating on that object and can find peace and relaxation. However if you are painting to express your feelings that is so relieving, refreshing and invigorating to me. It allows me to process those feelings and let them go.

  • This is my reason for creating the artistic store to help as many people as I can to destress and learn to find themselves again and find an outlet for their frustrations, whatever they may be.

Art Classes

Supplied about art Classes

Our Art Classes are a fun and relaxed environment in which to get creative. Painting helps you stay present in the moment and find calmness, whether you are great at it or totally suck. We are here to help you find the enjoyment of being creative.

Photography Classes

  • Our photography classes are about getting away from the technical side of photography and being creative. They are about being in the moment, which is great for your wellbeing

Meet Our


  • Elsa Bowen
    Senior Manager
  • Heidi Briggs
    Senior Manager
  • Norman Harrington
    Web Designer
  • Ramona Phelps
    Web Developer